Sunday, 3 May 2015

We celebrate Buddha Purnima as a day to remove all our evils hidden in each and every  individual The proportion of evil may not be the same in each and every individual but still its a day for every one to remove whatever inner impurity we have within us,  so that we can produce a swachchha society where moga like incidents does not occur  again and again. We have a lot of lessons to learn from Buddhism which can help in purifying our society.

The philosophy of Buddhism is to avoid the extremes of life, whatever it is addiction to worldly pleasure or a life of painful asceticism and self-mortification.  He emphasised on moral progress which is indensipble for whole universe.The four noble Truths of Buddhism are the existence of suffering; suffering is caused by trishna; suffering can cease; there is a path that leads to the ceasation of suffering. The path to is the Noble Eightfold path- a middle way, avoiding all extremes- compromising steps that progress from from morality through concentration to wisdom. The steps are: (1) right speech, kind and truthful; (2) right action, honest and peaceful; (3) right livelihood without hurting any living being; (4) right effort involving self- control; (5) right mindfulness; (6) right concentration and meditation on the meaning of life; (7) right thoughts worthy of the sincere and intelligent man; and (8) right understanding, avoiding superstition.

The Buddha brought about a change in the individual and social thinking which makes people aware of their moral responsibility, tolerance, ahimsa, service, compassion and honesty towards the fellow beings, society nation and the whole universe. In this way one can realise the happiness of heaven and peace here on this earth only.
But the growing social pollution, intolerance, barbaric and demonic behaviour renders every  member of society responsible. We can’t ignore our responsibility and blame the government or the state.

No doubt, government and state are also responsible but at the same time there is question mark on every parent, teacher and all the concerned parts of social cosmology that what type of moral education we are imparting to our children? Why today’s youth and children are bearing such immoral character. Their character is too bad to be considered even human. Character of an individual gives the best insight into his/her real self and on this basis the are not fit to be called even human, Legal safety, law and order, effective judiciary all are necessary but above all each and every individual has a moral responsibility to nurture morality in society so that moga like incidence will not become a routine activity in our society.

Technological advancement, material prosperity, open society are the characteristics of western society. If they are blindly followed then coming time will be even more dangerous than today. So the Indian model of spiritual prosperity and moral progress which our philosophers and sages taught should be considered above every advancement.We should not hurt our motherland by repeatedly doing and encouraging such incidences. We should make sure that no black spot comes on our DIVINE BHARAT.

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