Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Isn't today's politics only a method for opportunism even at cost of our country's welfare ? Reservation on basis of caste will lead to nothing but the destruction of the unity of our country. Talent can't be and should not measured on basis of caste. Caste Reservation will lead to the supressment of a lot of talented individuals. This will hinder our country's progress. We must rise above the old mindset-prejudiced thought. Reservation should be on economic basis not on caste basis. If today's young generation does not rise above this petty mindset, the future of our country seems to be in shambles.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Sri Aurobindo was born on 15th August 1875. It is really a co-incidence Mother India possesses such a great saint born on the same day which was destined to be our Independence Day. On our Independence Day we must not fail to pay our respects to this great soul who was undoubtedly the cornerstone behind making India’s cultural heritage its strength from being presumed as a weakness. No doubt we are an Independent nation but still there are many lacunas in our nation building which are hindering the progress of country. The current trend of declining socio-political and moral health is a great cause of concern for us and should set the alarm bells ringing . Aurobindo’s concept of ‘mass spirituality’ is the one and only compatible method for curing this malady. No doubt, Globalisation has helped in integrating the whole world but it is not without its side effects. On the one hand it has helped in greater connectivity with the rest of the world but on the other hand it has incorporated various impurities of western society which has hindered India’s rise as a global power. We have seen vast detoriation in our political culture too. The recent unruly behaviour of the various parties in the parliament and its detoriating work culture has certainly brought down the prestige of Indian democracy. It now becomes imperative for us to dwelve into the depths of Aurobindo’s philosophy to find a solution to these problems.

He said India recognized the authority of spiritual experience and knowledge, but she recognised still more the need of variety of spiritual experience and knowledge. Aurobindo differentiated the work culture of religion in India from that in Europe. He said the religious thinking of Europe was accustomed to rigid impoverishing definitions, to strict exclusions, to a constant preoccupation with the outward idea, the organisation, and the form. About Indian religion, Aurobindo said “ A living and moving, not a rigid continuity was the characteristic turn of the inner religious mind of India. The fundamental idea of all Indian religion is one, common to the highest human thinking everywhere.”

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Pakistan has now become an open agent of terrorism. It is now useless to talk about peace pact and hope for a dialogue with Pakistan. Nawed’s  statement only discloses the monstrous mentality of Pakistan and the terrorist organisations flourishing there. Pakistan has lost its right to even defend itself . Unless and until the whole international community does not take action against Pakistan there is seemingly no chance of Pakistan mending its ways. We must salute the brave citizens who displayed phenomenal courage in tackling an armed terrorist. Pakistan is showing no signs of guilt and we need to act in a proactive manner to tackle this menace from across the borders. Pakistan should completely be isolated on the global state and sanctions should be imposed on  it unless and until it refrains from spreading terrorism.

Sunday, 2 August 2015

The Sanatan philosophy has the depth of an ocean and the height of a peak. It is based on the principle of Humanism. It is really true that at least people who idealise the Sanatan philosophy, living in the multicultural land should never choose the wrong path of communalism and anti humanism. It will be a great tragedy if  some misguided people in India start using even terrorism for their vote bank and political gains. Tariq Fateh, inspite of being a Pakistani has shown that he is a human being first, by going beyond the boundaries of petty fights and recognising the greatness of the Indian culture. It is very heartening to see a Pakistani citizen at least realizing the actual situation. We must check what we are exporting to the world. Pakistan has the reputation of exporting terrorism while India has a rich history of exporting spirituality. We must continue this trend of exporting spiritualism, for the welfare of the whole world. This should not be tampered by anyone in anyway