Sunday, 2 August 2015

The Sanatan philosophy has the depth of an ocean and the height of a peak. It is based on the principle of Humanism. It is really true that at least people who idealise the Sanatan philosophy, living in the multicultural land should never choose the wrong path of communalism and anti humanism. It will be a great tragedy if  some misguided people in India start using even terrorism for their vote bank and political gains. Tariq Fateh, inspite of being a Pakistani has shown that he is a human being first, by going beyond the boundaries of petty fights and recognising the greatness of the Indian culture. It is very heartening to see a Pakistani citizen at least realizing the actual situation. We must check what we are exporting to the world. Pakistan has the reputation of exporting terrorism while India has a rich history of exporting spirituality. We must continue this trend of exporting spiritualism, for the welfare of the whole world. This should not be tampered by anyone in anyway

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