Saturday 23 July 2016

Saluting the staunch nationalist Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak, on his birth anniversary......the true patriot who envisioned the integration of politics and culture. His immortal saying- 'Sawaraj is my birth right and I shall have it' instilled the much needed enthusiasm in the freedom struggle . The same enthusiasm is needed today, to give a fitting reply to the Separatists and Pakistan who are misguiding Kashmir.

Tuesday 19 July 2016

गुरु गोबिंद दोऊ खड़े काके लागू पाएँ।
बलिहारी गुरु आपनो ,जिन गोबिंद दियौ  बताय।  

Monday 18 July 2016

Will the moment ever come when Pakistan undergoes political metamorphosis and is seen as a peaceful country rather than being a harbinger of terrorism? The notion of Pakistan in the world is an apt case of polite fiction..... Since time immemorial, Pakistan has incorrigibly been branding terrorists as martyrs. Its continuous unwavering support to the egregious acts of terrorism and brazen impenitence over the issue of harbouring terrorism calls for international isolation and inclement steps.

Sunday 17 July 2016

हुंकारों से महलों की नीव उखड़ जाती ,
साँसों के  बल से ताज हवा में उड़ता है
जनता की रोके राह समय में ताब कहाँ ?
वह जिधर चाहती , काल उधर ही मुड़ता है।

 सबसे विराट जनतंत्र जगत का आ पहुँचा
अभिषेक  आज राजा का नहीं, प्रजा का है।
                                             रामधारी सिंह दिनकर  
   तुर्की की जनता ने पुनः लोकतंत्र की ताकत का सुखद परिचय दिया है जो अनुकरणीय  और सराहनीय दोनों ही है। 

Friday 15 July 2016

The evil of terrorism or the Kashmir issue can't be solved by a few people sitting in an ivory tower. It needs tremendous efforts on ground. Mental sickness of Muslim fundamentalism is taking a barbaric shape in the form of terrorism. Tackling this rampant menace needs intense strategic planning.
Terrorism is spreading throughout the world and the terrorist attack on Nice(France) is nothing but an act of cowardice. The world must stand united and walk the talk to tackle this evil.