Monday, 31 October 2016

Heartfelt tribute to India's  Bismarck 'Sardar Vallbhbhai Patel on his birth anniversary. His diplomatic manoeuvres aligned with deep patriotic spirit created a New India- strong and united. Our country is fortunate to have had a "saviour and builder", an iron man as the guiding light.
 What was Vallabhbhai ? asked Rajagopalchari once and he himself answered: "What inspiration, courage, confidence and force inccarnate Vallabhai was, .......we are unlikely to
see the likes of him again".......Wavell, The Viceroy's Journal p.260.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

मन पवित्र हो तो करुणा ,सहयोग और ,प्रेम के दीप स्वतः प्रज्जवलित हो जाते है ।  मानवता का दीप हर ह्रदय में प्रकाशित हो ॥ शुभ दीपावली ॥ 

Friday, 14 October 2016

किसी भी धर्म की  परंपरायें  और रीति  रिवाज मानवता  और  मानवीय मूल्यों से बड़ा नहीं है। जो रीति  रिवाज और परम्परायें  मानवीय मूल्यों पर आधारित  नहीँ  हो  उसका बहिष्कार  आवश्यक  है। एक देश, एक कानून, एक आचार सहिंता का होना  राष्ट्रीय एकता  का परिचायक  है, जो कि  सकारात्मक विकास और सांस्कृतिक  उन्नति  का    मार्ग प्रशस्त  करती है।  आधुनिक समाज को   परम्परा  और रीति  रिवाजो के आधार पर न्याय से वंचित नहीं रखा जा सकता है। मुस्लिम महिलाओं को एकजुट होकर एक आचार सहिंता का समर्थन करना चाहिये  ताकि वे न्याय से वंचित नहीं रह सके। 

Thursday, 6 October 2016

For writing my paper on gender justice in Islam I had gone through the Quran hadith (saying of the prophet)  sharia law and what I came across was only confusion, inconsistency and gender discrimination. It views woman as a commodity, an entity inferior to a man. On the other hand Durga Saptashati portrays a divine form of woman, as a creator, a source of positive energy and the destroyer of evil. Thus, a comparison between Hindu and Muslim scriptures on basis of gender justice clearly shows the prestige which the former bestows upon women and the injustice meted to them in the latter. These facts call for a thorough comparative study between the two scriptures on gender justice.