Sunday, 25 December 2016

अतिथि देवो भवो और  वसुधैव  कुटुम्बकम  का भाव लेकर भारत  की संस्कृति ने  पूरे विश्व  को बहुल संस्कृतिकवाद का विलक्षण उदाहरण प्रस्तुत किया है। भाव से आये  हुए व्यक्ति  को हृदय से, प्रभाव के कारण  आये  हुये व्यक्ति  को बु द्धि या मस्तिक से और अभाव में आय हुए व्यक्ति  को दोनों हाथो से आलिंगन करने का संस्कार भारतीयों  को अपनी सांस्कृतिक विरासत से  प्राप्त हुई है, और ये सभी भारतीयों  का संस्कार है। जम्मू कश्मीर के हिन्दू शरणार्थियों  का जो लोग विरोध कर रहे है वास्तविकता में अपनी ओछी संस्कार का परिचय दे रहे है। 

My book 'Multicuturalism: the essence of Indian culture' is an attempt to glorify Indian diversity as well as to reveal the factors sustaining diversity which is the life breath of Indian culture. The book is available online on amazon,com. It will also be displayed during  Delhi book fair from 7th January 2017 in Vitasta Publication ( stall. The book can be a reference book and  a must read to know the beauty of Indian cultural ethos which is sustaining and nurturing this diversity


Friday, 16 December 2016

GARGIwas a highly intellectual woman of the Vedic period. Our foundation- GARGI EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH AND CHARITABLE TRUST(Token no. 14595/2016), borrows its name from this same legendary figure. Registered on 14th December, 2016 this foundation , though intended to be multifaceted in its activities, will mainly strive towards achieving three basic objectives. Firstly, it aims to promote women empowerment especially in rural areas by seasoning their minds with education. We will look to organize seminars and workshops in order to achieve this objective.
Secondly it aims towards indianisation of the present education system which is increasingly inclined towards western ideas. Reform of the education system has become a dire necessity today and we must proceed in this direction.
The first workshop we will be organizing will probably be in some rural area of Bihar, on BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO,hopefully in January next year.

Saturday, 10 December 2016

VIVOBA IN 'TALKS OF THE GITA' says A small, insignificant thing gains in value and potency when it is so charged. This is the whole beauty of Karmayoga. Action is like the currency note. What after all, is a currency note? It is just a little piece of paper. If burnt, it would not warm up even a drop of water. But it has the stamp of the government on it, and that gives it value.
   Stamped with bhavana -sentiments and genuine feelings- it acquires value. A man doing surya-namaskars after bathing will certainly get the benefit of physical exercise; but if he is not doing them for the sake of health only, but as a form of worship, he will also have a sharp and radiant intellect in addition to a healthy body. He will get from the Sun- God vigour and creative energy. The at may be the same outwardly; but the difference in the inward feelings makes a world of difference.

Friday, 9 December 2016

A very irresponsible and disgusting approach of the Opposition. Continuous disrupment of Parliament only shows how they disrespect the very sanctity of this temple of democracy. These people are just wasting the time in addition to causing huge losses to the exchequer. Inclement steps must be taken against those who are making a mockery of the Indian Parliament.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

भावनाओं का ऐसा उफान जो हर  ह्रदय  को छू  ले।  आज जयललिता जी की अंतिम यात्रा में जो जन सैलाव दिखा वह  उनके व्यक्तित्व का एक ऐसा  पहलू  है जो उनकी कमियों  को भी ढक लेता  है। समाज के लिए तथा  जनसाधारण के लिए उनके द्वारा किये गए कल्याणकारी कार्यों  की वजह से  उन्हें जनमानस के ह्रदय  में जगह मिली और वह  जनसाधारण की धड़कन बन गई ।  श्रद्धांजलि । 

Sunday, 4 December 2016

 India hosting the Heart of Asia Summit, especially at this point of time, amidst heightened tensions with Pakistan is really a welcome news. Through its wise and tactful diplomacy, India has sent out a resounding message to uproot terrorism. Pakistan must have got the message as to how it is being isolated on every regional as well as international forum. Afghanistan too has been a victim of terrorism harboured and nourished in Pakistan and was only right in raising its voice after decades of patience. Sooner the Pakistani establishment opens its eyes, better it will be for them. At present, we can only hope to move towards a more tranquil and stable world.