Thursday, 22 October 2015

धर्म संस्कृति और अध्यात्म भारत की ऊर्जा के स्रोत हैं। अतः संस्कृति, अध्यात्म और धर्म का विकास अगर निरंतर होता रहा तो अधार्मिक तत्व स्वतः विलुप्त होते जाएँगे और भारत अध्यात्म गुरु बनकर पुरे विश्व का मार्गदर्शन करता रहेगा। विजयदशमी का पर्व भी इसी बात का संकेत करता है कि हम धर्म की ओर सर्वथा अग्रसर होते रहें और अपने अंदर व्याप्त आसुरि  और अधार्मिक शक्तियों का विनाश करें। राम राज्य की कल्पना को पूरा करना ही भारतीय संस्कृति का आधार स्तम्भ है। आज विजयदशमी के शुभ पर्व पर सभी की मंगल कामना करते हुए हम रामचरितमानस: जो  भारत की आत्मा है , उसे अपने जीवन मूल्यों में उतारने का प्रयास करें।
जय जय सुरनायक जन सुखदायक प्रनतपाल भगवंता।
गो द्विज हितकारी जय असुरारी  सिन्धुसुता प्रिय कंता। 

Friday, 16 October 2015

Adaptation, acceptance of innovative ideas and change in system is inevitable for a healthy progress and to save the system from deformity and rusting. There is a dire need to change the old age collegium system to bring transparency in the judicial system. Though Supreme Court has struck down on National Judicial Apoointment Commission law meant to replace the two decade old collegium system of judges’ appointment but it has accepted there is a clear lacuna in the age old system. This is why the SC has called for further discussion on this topic. For bringing transparency Supreme Court should uphold the constitutionality of the 99th Amendment and work towards bringing transparency and safeguarding the very sanctity of the judiciary, the pious pillar of democracy and the political system. 

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Literature reflects the state and taste of society, politics, culture etc. Sometimes it shows the reality of these fields and sometimes it provides solutions or gives impetus to idealism , moral awakening and work as tool to rejuvenate the nation. But at the same time when through literature, the society starts being polluted then it really hampers the progress. There were many poets who presented before our society, the images of our system: either their downfall or lacuna in their functioning which led to mass awakening for reform in the system. Poets like  RAMDHARI SINGH DINKAR,PHANISWAR NATH RENU ,NAGARJUN, RAHUL SANKRITYAN, PREMCHAND etc; who presented the reflections and images of system.
 Phaniswar Nath’s first novel Maila Anchal ( THE SOILED LINEN,1954) was a social novel that depicted the life of rural Bihar and its people, especially the backward and the deprived. He was awarded Padma Shri in 1970 . He returned the this honour later in protest of the proclamation of Internal Emergency. PREMCHAND used literature for arousing public awareness related to corruption, Feudal system, poverty, Colonialism etc;  Premchand’s famous novels like GODAN, GABAN, NIRMALA,SHATRANJ KE KHILADI, KAFAN etc inspired the society. Though Shakespeare’s works got so much fame they have no theme to convey society which was exhibited by Premchand, Phaniswar Nath Renu or Dinkar and many other Indian writers in that age or before or after that. Today the theme is missing and today novels.

  There has been massive detoriation in the contemporary literature. For economic benefits or for name and fame many authors have presented very low level literary works which instead of inspiring the society are  maligning and polluting it. No doubt in a democratic country everyone has freedom of speech but it has certain limitations also which should always be taken care of. Our literary works must carry some theme which has a moral footprint in the   society.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

जय प्रकाश नारायण 

राष्ट्र भक्त और निष्काम  कर्मयोगी, जय प्रकाश नारायण को   देश उनके जन्म दिवस पर नमन करता है। संपूर्ण क्रांति का आह्वाहन कर समस्त देशवासियों को उन्होंने देश सेवा करने की जिम्मेदारी सौंपी।  प्रजातंत्र   के मंदिर में उन्होंने व्यवस्था परिवर्तन की जिम्मेदारी समस्त नागरिको को सौंप कर यह  सन्देश  दिया की प्रजा जनतंत्र की नीव है और उसे हमेशा  जागरूक रहकर प्रजातंत्र के आदर्शो को जीवित रखने का प्रयास करना चाहिये । 

लोकनायक की जन्म और कर्म भूमि बिहार आज ऐसी  दहलीज पर खड़ा   होकर व्यवस्था परिवर्तन की मांग कर रहा है। यह दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि  उनके ही अनुयायियों  ने ही आज बिहार की धरती को खोखला कर प्रजातंत्र के आदर्शो को रौंदने का काम किया  है।

 बिहार में पुनः लोकनायक की संपूर्ण क्रांति की आवश्यकता है ताकि इस राज्य  को विकास की संजीवनी प्राप्त  हो और सामाजिक समरसता प्रदान हो न कि जाति  और मजहब के आधार पर कटुता फैले । बिहार के सच्चे सपूत को  हमारी सच्ची श्रद्धांजलि तभी होगी जब हम अपने अन्दर जाग्रति लायें   और अपने मतदान व्यवहार  की दिशा  बदलें  और व्यवस्था परिवर्तन कर बिहार को उसकी अतीत के गौरव    की ओर ले जायें । 

मुझे दिनकर जी की पंक्तियाँ याद आ रही हैं जो हमारे लिये प्रेरणादायक  हैं :

सदियों की ठंढी, बुझी राख सुगबुगा उठी,
मिट्टी सोने का ताज पहन इठलाती है
दो राह, समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।
जनता? हां,मिट्टी की अबोध मूरतें वही,
जाड़े-पाले की कसक सदा सहनेवाली,
जब अंग-अंग में लगे सांप हो चूस रहे
तब भी न कभी मुंह खोल दर्द कहनेवाली।
जनता? हां, लंबी-बडी जीभ की वही कसम,
जनता,सचमुच ही, बडी वेदना सहती है।"
सो ठीक, मगर, आखिर इस पर जनमत क्या है?"
है प्रश्न गूढ़ जनता इस पर क्या कहती है?"
मानो, जनता ही फूल जिसे अहसास नहीं,
जब चाहो तभी उतार सजा लो दोनों में
अथवा कोई दुधमुंही जिसे बहलाने के
जन्तर-मन्तर सीमित हों चार खिलौनों में।
लेकिन होता भूडोल, बवंडर उठते हैं,
जनता जब कोपाकुल हो भृकुटि चढाती है
दो राह, समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।
हुंकारों से महलों की नींव उखड़ जाती,
सांसों के बल से ताज हवा में उड़ता है,
जनता की रोके राह,समय में ताव कहां?
वह जिधर चाहती,काल उधर ही मुड़ता है।
अब्दों, शताब्दियों, सहस्त्राब्द का अंधकार
बीता; गवाक्ष अंबर के दहके जाते हैं
यह और नहीं कोई,जनता के स्वप्न अजय
चीरते तिमिर का वक्ष उमड़ते जाते हैं।
सब से विराट जनतंत्र जगत का आ पहुंचा,
तैंतीस कोटि-हित सिंहासन तैयार करो
अभिषेक आज राजा का नहीं, प्रजा का है,
तैंतीस कोटि जनता के सिर पर मुकुट धरो।
आरती लिये तू किसे ढूंढता है मूरख,
मन्दिरों, राजप्रासादों में, तहखानों में?
देवता कहीं सड़कों पर गिट्टी तोड़ रहे,
देवता मिलेंगे खेतों में, खलिहानों में।
फावड़े और हल राजदण्ड बनने को हैं,
धूसरता सोने से श्रृंगार सजाती है
दो राह,समय के रथ का घर्घर-नाद सुनो,
सिंहासन खाली करो कि जनता आती है।

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Expecting  cultured and civilized words from Lalu Yadav and his colleagues is beyond our expectations but his remarks on beef eating are intolerable. It will be a great folly on our part as vigilant citizens if we expect good governance from him. If we fall prey to his false promises then in no time Bihar will again start lagging behind in every field.
   As far as beef eating is concerned Sanatan dharma has never allowed harm even to tiny creatures on earth as it stands for compassion , love and charity and harmony between nature and individuals. It gives respect to and worships even the tiny creations of nature. Those who create disharmony, hatred, violence can’t be followers of santan dharma. All the scriptures of sanatan philosophy and our great sages and sants have showed the path of love and compassion to all creations of nature.
   There have been many eminent personalities including scientists who favoured vegetarian food over non vegetsrian food. To name a few: Sir Issac Newton, Leonardo Da Vinci, Srinivasa Ramanjan, Nikola Tesla, all were vegetarians. Thomas Alva Edison even went on to say that  “ Vegetarianism has a powerful influence upon the mind and its action, as well as upon the health and vigour of the body. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” Another eminent vegetarianist was Albert Einstein,a  life long promoter of peace, who said, “Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.” He stated, “Our task must be to widen our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty” .  By the age of nine Braine Green( a great scientist) could multiply thirty-digit numbers in the head and he attributed his great IQ to his being a vegetarian. A prominent U.K. physicst  Alan Calvered recently said, about global warming and the vegetarian lifestyle: “Adopting a vegetarian diet would do more for the environment than burning less oil and gas.”

 Wrong propaganda is like digging a hole for self –destruction. Those who are in habit of misleading the society through false propaganda should be alert that time has changed and citizens of Bihar is have also advanced with time. We are not at all interested in petty politics and do not intend to be swayed by such propaganda. Its high time that politicians like this realise this fact.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

The country pays heartfelt tribute to Mahatma Gandhi and Lal Bahadur Shastri : apostles of peace who served the country with utmost loyalty and honesty and helped in the emancipation of the very roots of Indian cultural glory.
Though Gandhi was never against modernisation and free flow of cultural practices, he was deeply concerned about keeping our cultural heritage intact and adapting to only that culture which does harm the cultural health of our country. Gita was Mahatma Gandhi’s companion and guide which always  showed  him the right path. For him Gita was the medium which could act as a connecting link between the inner and outer world which is the nee of the whole world. He rightly said  ‘Let the winds come from all sides but let us be not blown away by winds’. Digital India is an epitome of the efforts to bring integration as well as modernization but we should not forget that it can act as a source of influx for many evils in our society. We should be alert to not integrate with that cultural flow which will damage our country and which does not comply with our spiritual and ethical standards.  Terrorism is another  great concern. The only solution to these varied but interrelated problems  is contained within Gita . That’s why he always used to say that ‘ Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind’ to propagate the doctrine of Ahimsa and discourage  the feelings of vengeance so that harmony prevails.
 Lal Bahadur Shastri was grassroot level worker, oue former prime minister who integrated in his personality the erfectcombination realism and idealism . That’s how he gave a befitting reply to Pakistan in 1965. As a symbol of the special relation which Indians hold with Mother Earth and to acknowledge the sacrifice of the soldiers(jawans) he gave the slogan of of ‘Jai jawan and jai kisan’

  Both of these leaders were the real sons of Mother India who idolised he values of harmony, peace and integrity in their characters and spent the whole of their lives working for the country. Our nation needs numerous such leaders who live for the country and die for it to resurrect her.