Sunday 29 November 2015

 The role of opposition is indispensible in democracy but only when it works for national interest and   rather than trying to disrupt the constructive agenda of the party in power for political gains. The detoriating etiquette of the opposition in the parliament has become a major cause of concern, especially in the last few months. Instead of playing a constructive role, the opposition is always bent on wasting the valuable time in both the houses. Thorough introspection and inner-engineering on part of the opposition has become a necessity. For the sake of the nation, it must let the parliament function smoothly.  A healthy opposition always has a constructive approach and pave way for healthy and progressive debate rather than obstructing it. Discipline is imperative for every member of parliament and as they have responsibility upon their shoulders, they must filter their speech and actions, instead of misusing their FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

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