Sunday 29 November 2015

Kunti an epitome of tolerance signifies and represents the very pious word ‘sacrifice’. Our country India, also called Bharata, which produced such a great soul and we are children of that great soul. How could we be intolerant ?  Kunti, the very legendry figure in Mahabharat inspired me deeply. There is one episode in ‘Bhagvatam’ called ‘Kunti stuti’ where she prayed to Lord Krishna to give her sorrow so that she may be able to live nearer to him and always remember him. Such a deep sacrifice and tolerance could be seen in India only. We cannot fathom such deep philosophical depth of this country. Money, power, affluence, glamour etc. sometimes detaches us from ground realities and brings gap in our social relationships. It keeps us aloof from morality and ethics and our attitude transforms into elitist, aristocratic and negative behaviour. By this way one becomes destructive force in society rather than providing constructive role. Indian culture can only bring equanimity between materialistic and spiritual pleasure to keep us tranquil.  

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