Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Taslima Nasreen has revealed the duplicity of the hypocrites, the so called Indian secularist politicians-how they use the propaganda of secularism for vote bank and minority appeasement. She rightly said:" I' have noticed that the liberals and leftists are generally very critical of Hindu fanaticism- but not of Islamic fanaticism. Islamic fanatics are against human rights, women's rights, free speech and democracy. Islamic fanatics are against everything that the Indian liberals stand for; but strangely, the liberals sympathize with them. They have distorted the concept of secularism."...The Times of India May 16 2016
       The true concept of secularism is being distorted in India for personal benefits and if this over appeasement of minorities goes on unabated, the future would be just like Hobbe's state of nature, where the life of individuals would be one of potential warfare. We have borne the pseudo- secularists for too long and have inadvertently assisted their game plan. We must comprehend the true nature of secularism, which is innate in our cultural heritage and foil their game plan

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