Tuesday 8 March 2016

 There is no place of rat race for de jure or de facto power in Indian culture .... Just like birds cannot fly with one wing, this age is the age of interdependency. I BOW AND SALUTE to the great Indian women especially those belonging to our martyrs’ family who do not serve the nation ostentatiously, but in disguise, by showing her courage, sacrifice and tolerance even in times of tragedy and crisis.  There are many such women whose sacrifice may be hidden behind the veils of simplicity and sacrifice..........they neither resort to histrionic nor five star culture and silently help, build the nation. They are the real unsung heroes.

 Last but not the least, I would like to reiterate an apposite observation by Vivekanand when he said : “The soul has no sex. The best thermometer to the progress of a nation is its treatment of its women he said adding that images of great Brahmavadinis like MAITREYI and GARGI. The country and nation which does not respect women will never become great now nor will ever in the future.”

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