Macaulay captured the root of our strength of cultural heritage
when he said the BRITISH EMPIRE needed to destroy the spiritual treasure of our
country to rule it................and I
think he is ruling still in our sub-concious mind. The violation of
women safety and dignity is growing
rapidly in our country.There is not a single day when we do not hear the news of incidence of violence
against women.There is ‘LEGAL ILLITERACY, among women as well as in the society,
needed to combat this violation.
really painful even to think that we
have become such a draconian society today. We even forget our
basic humanitarian values and skill . Have we become such an evil and irresponsible society that we need laws to
behave as human being not as beast ? What message we are going to give to this
world? Is Vivekananda’s dream of making India a ‘SPIRITUAL GURU’ can ever
become true ? Though the centre’s decision to take responsibility for the sale
of acid and rehabilitation of victims is a welcome move and the criminal
amendment act of 2013,passed in the aftermath of recommendations made by
justice JS VERMA commission following the gang-rape and murder of a 23-year old
woman in December 2012, recognised acid violence as a separate offence that now
carries a maximum punishment of life imprisonment and a fine.This is an
excellent development but most concern for how to change the devil mentality of
those people who are committing such heinous crimes.
There is neen to improve our impression
on international platform on the concern
of women’s safety. Recently, Annette G Beck-Sickinger , a German university
professor, rejected an Indian student’s application for internship,citing the
“rape problem in India”(German professor lands in India rape soup, March10).
Though the German ambassador to India, Michael Steiner, has denounced the professor’s
statement, yet it clearly shows the impression of INDIA and its citizens
abr oad. (source:The Hindustan Times march 11,2015)

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