When we evaluate
nationalism on the principle of culture then it is referred to cultural
nationalism. Culture means Good conduct
.So our nationalism becomes holistic in nature when we equate it with
culture.We consider nation as spiritual and cultural entity decorated by our
rishis and munis. Some of the pioneers of our cultural nationalism are...........................

Sri Aurobindo was also one of the spiritual sants of India.He wrote:God has set
apart India as the eternal fountain head of holy spirituality,and will never
suffer that fountain to run dry. India is the Guru of the human soul in its profounder
maladies,she is destined once more to now mould the life of the world and to
restore the peace of the human spirit.He spoke of Hindu religion as ‘sanatan
dharma’.Sanatan meaning eternal and Dharma meaning which holds together and
unites society in the universal sense
wanted that each and every Indian by heart accept the cultural heritage of India.He said
Today the Gita is not only my Bible and Quran it is more than that –It is my
mother.I lost my earthly mother ,Who gave me birth, long time ago;but this
eternal mother has completely filled her place by my side ever since.she has
never changed,she has never failed me.When I am in difficult or distress ,I
seek refugee in her bossom.The Gita is the universal mother .She turns away
nobody .Her door is wide open to anyone who knocks .
He considered nation as divine mother.Bankim Chandra was
looked upon as a rishi or seer because he gave the country the inspiring secret formula ,the mantra of
VANDE MATRAM: ‘I BOW TO THE MOTHER’.In this mantra was combined love of
divinity as well as love of the country.The country itself was transformed into
a deity.
HE said “The spirit of India has always proclaimed the ideal
of unity.This ideal of unity never rejects anything ,any race ,or culture .It
comprehends all,and it has been the highest aim of our spiritual exertion to be
able to penetrate all things with one soul,to comprehend all things as they are
,not keep out anything in the whole universe –to comprehends all things with
sympathy and love.This is the spirit of India”.The view of this world ,which
India has taken ,is in one compound Sanskrit word, SACCHINDANDA .The meaning
of Reality,which is essentially one,has three phases .The first is sat;it
is simple fact that things are ,the fact that relates us to all things through
the relationship of common existence. The second is chit ,it is the fact that
we know ,which relates us to all things through the relationship of
knowledge.The third is ananda ,it is the fact which we
enjoy , which unites us with all things through the relationship of love.
Lajpat rai said that there is no race
conflict in INDIA . Mother India knows and recognises no race distinctions .
But he said that there is a religious conflict in India that cannot be
denied.Even that conflict is is more artificial than real ,, manufactured quite
recently by interested parties . If mother India is proud of a NANAK she is
also proud of a CHISTI . If she had an ASHOKA
she had an AKBAR too. If she had a CHAITANYA she also had KABIR.If she had a HARSHA she had a SHER SHAH too.If she had a
KHILJI , she had there hindu prototypes as well. For every Hindu hero , she
cites a Mohammadan hero
Tilak’s concept of of nationalism was not
only confined to intelligentsia and elite sections of the society but he gave a
mass base to nationalism by creating psychological unity among masse through
Shivaji and Ganesh festivals. National festivals are the easiest way of
promoting and generating the the feeling of national pride,psychological and sentimental
attachment towards country and and their
cultural heritage among masses . Nationalism is both the psychological as well as spiritual phenomenon.
Pal very clearly
expressed the fundamental ideals of the INDIAN NATIONALISM . He said :
Association not isolation; co operation not competition ; socialism,in the
highest and truest sense of the term and not merely what is understood to mean
by the followers of MARX-this socialism and not individualism; duty and not
right-these are the rudimentary concepts of our social and political philosophy
. These are the fundamental ideas of INDIAN NATIONALISM
SAWARKAR said: We believe in a universal state
embracing all mankind and wherein all men and women would be citizens working
for and enjoying equally,the fruits of this earth and this sun,this land and this
light which constitute the real MOTHERLAND and FATHERLAND of man. All other
divisions and distinctions are artificial.
He said it is the
intense spirituality of India and not any great political structure or social organisation
that it has developed,that has enabled it to resist the ravages of time and the
accidents of history.
According to
Guruji,each nation has its own keynote in life and marches ahead in tune with
that national ethos.Our Hindu nation has also preserved a unique
charastersticts since time immemorial.To us,the aspects of material
happiness,i.e.artha(amasing of wealth)and Kama(the satisfaction of physical
desires)are only a part’s of man’s life,Our great ancestors declared that there
are two more aspects of human
endeavour,dharma and moksha.They built our society on the basis of this
fourfold achievement,the chaturvidha purushartha of dharma,artha,kama,and
moksha.We are therefore ,called a highly moral,spiritual and philosophical
He said if there
is any standard for determining the merits and demerits of a particular action,
it is this chiti:whatever is in accordance with our nature or chiti is approved
or added on to the culture.These things are to be cultivated.Whatever is
against chiti is discarded as perversion,undesirable and is to be avoided.Chiti
is the touchstone on which each action,each attitude is tested, and determined
to be acceptable or otherwise.Chiti is the soul of the nation.It is on the
foundation of this chiti(soul)that a nation arrises and becomes strong and
virile. And it is this chiti that manifested in the action of every great man
of a Nation.
In a famous
letter to JAWAHARLAL NEHRU(April 24;1951),Munshi wrote :It is my faith in our
past which has given me the strength to work in the present and to look forward
to my future. I cannot value freedom if it deprives us of BHAGWAD GITA or
uproots our millions from the faith with
they look upon our temples or thereby destroys the texture of our lives. He wanted
to link modern generations with the golden ancient cultures of INDIA.He
favoured COW-PROTECTION,Astrology and Ayurveda.
From the accounts of all the above mentioned great personalities it
can be summarised that the soul of our CULTURAL NATIONALISM is SPIRITUALITY
which gives strength to our nation and is something to feel proud of.
I have also authored a book on this very subject-“INDIAN CULTURAL NATIONALISM” PUBLISHED BY INDIA
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