Saturday 27 February 2016

Hasn't our politics ,society and education system lost the spirit and direction of values,humanism senstivity and the will to fight for a worthy cause?
Society has forgotten its values and its repurcussion.............various incidents like the MURTHAL INCIDENCE.

 Education system is no longer fulfilling its true objective- that of incorporating values in everyone's lives and its  repurcussion.....INSTEAD OF FIGHTING FOR THE RIGHTEOUS CAUSE  AND OUR NATION,  OUR STUDENTS STANDING AGAINST THE NATION. Suicide episodes of Rohith Vemula,Lokesh Mishra and others.
 Politics has also lost its values ,ideals,  ethics an its repurcussion....DECLINING WORK CULTURE IN PARLIAMENT AND POLITICS OF OPPORTUNISM.

 Where does our nation stand, in midst of such a crisis? This very sensitive question must be in the hearts of every true Indian. 

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