Monday 22 February 2016

Rousseau a French philosopher rightly said:  A human being, though essentially good in nature may deviate from the nature because of bad social environment which is there because of degenerate art and culture and artificial society. So Rousseau's great contribution is that he does not blame the individual or human nature for the ills of society but, blames society and social environment for the bad nature of the individual. Shortcomings of society lead to shortcomings in human behaviour and not vice versa.
    The same happens with institutions like JNU where the left has diverted the students through its bad social environment and which has compelled students for spreading anti national propaganda. The need of the hour is to first raise our voices against the shortcomings of left ideology via-a-vis there is great need to maintain equilibrium between liberty and discipline and to reconcile authority with liberty at the same time. 

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