Monday 29 February 2016

Ralph Miliband said: "CONFLICT IS NOT ONLY CIVILIZED, BUT ALSO CIVILIZING. IT IS NOT ONLY MEANS OF RESOLVING PROBLEMS IN A PEACEFUL WAY, BUT ALSO OF PROVIDING NEW IDEAS, ENSURING PROGRESS, ACHIEVING EVER-GREATER HARMONY, AND SO ON. CONFLICT IS "FUNCTIONAL ", A STABILIZING RATHER THAN A DISRUPTING FORCE." ............... He was right. Every conflict gives birth to a new learning, clear or disguised and rings the warning bells, urging us to remain wary . The role of the present opposition has been the show how power hunger can lead to utter disrespect of  values and principles...even of the nation's mandate and ettiquetes of the Parliament. They should be given a befitting lesson as they have taken the popular support they get, however little, for granted. It is high time that they curb their histrionic as it is doing nothing but impeding the nation's progress.

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