Friday 19 February 2016

'Personality cult' is not only foreign to our culture and tradition but will also do infinite damage to national interests.During the Third Battle of panipat, at one point Sadahivrao Bhau, the chief commander of the Hindu forces, changed his seat from an elephant to a horse. The soldiers, failing to see him, thought him dead,got demoralised and broke up. That was because the person of Sadashirao was the sole point of inspiration and guidance of the army. On the other hand, for twenty years after Shivaji, Maharashtra did not have any acknowledged leader. Sambhaji had been caught, tortured and murdered. shahu was in Moghul detention. Rajaram was besieged and isolated in Jinji. But everyone fought the war as if the spirit of Swaraj and Shivaji was reborn in him. It became truly a people's war. After twenty years of fighting with them Aurangzeb died, defeated and broken -hearted. Such is the world of difference between personality cult and dedication to an ideal............................BUNCH OF THOUGHT ..M.S. GOLWALKAR

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