Sunday 12 June 2016

Each child is unique and a highly valuable gift of God. Exploiting a child for materialistic gains is nothing short of an egregious sin. According to the ILO, even in the 21st Century, when mankind is claiming to have reached great heights, about 168 million children are child labors and shamefully India is the country with the largest population of child labours. Isn't Right to life and dignity, the basic right of every child? Today, child labor has assumed such demonic proportions that it is quite difficult, if not impossible, for the govt. to tackle this problem singlehandedly. Therefore every individual needs to do his part. Eliminating poverty at the grassroot level seems the only viable option to tackle this rampant menace. Bringing a smile on each child's face should be the responsibility of everyone one of us. LET US PLEDGE TO  TO REPLACE THE BROOM WITH A PEN IN EVERY AFFECTED CHILD'S HAND.

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