Saturday 4 June 2016

Once our life becomes soaked with the true spirit of service, we will feel that all our individual and family possessions, however abundant that may be, do not really belong to us. There are only the means to worship God in the form of society. Our whole life will then be an offering in the service of society. The upanishad say: GOD PERMEATES ALL CREATION. WHATEVER IS LEFT OVER BY HIM, AFTER OFFERING HIM, ENJOY ONLY THAT MUCH. DO NOT ROB WHAT BELONGS TO OTHERS. In Bhagavata Narada says: Take whatever is essential for bodily sustenance. To take more is an act of theft and deserves to be punished. Thus we are only trustees of society. It is only when we become trustees in the true sense that we can serve society best. Such a pure attitude of service will leave no scope for ego or self - adulation.  ......BUNCH OF THOUGHTS BY M.S. GOLWALKAR    SAT SAT NAMAN

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