Sunday 26 June 2016

JP's vision of a Free Progressive India

In his final appeal to the voters on March 13, 1977 to defeat dictatorship and restore democracy, Jayprakash Narayan shared with the people his vision of the India of his dreams. 

He said: " The India of my dreams is a community in which every individual, every resource, is dedicated to serving the weak - a community dedicated to Antodyaya, to the well-being of the lowest and the weakest.

It is a community in which individuals are valued for their humanity-a community in which the right of every individual to act  according to his conscience is recognised and respected by all. 

It is a community in which different views contend peacefully, in which disagreements are settled in a civilized manner. It is a community in which fellow men persuade each other, not bludgeon each other."

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