Friday 10 June 2016


In the last 2 years, there has been a stark improvement in India’s foreign policy and even more so in its implementation, by maintaining the right balance between idealism and realism. Today India is an epitome of how a country can excel on the Global stage, without strictly adhering to methodological policies and rules or the Machiavellian concept of ‘lion and fox diplomacy’ or an expansionist vision. Indian foreign policy has shown the relevance of a humanist vision in diplomatic behavior. Be it showing sincere concern over global crises i.e. terrorism and environmental issues OR ‘conflict management’ and ‘crisis-management’ on various micro and macro issues OR winning the heart of public, it has excelled in every field. This shows the importance of considering foreign policy encompassing both cultural and political spheres as against a purely political and strategic view. Urging to world to think united, act united and to walk the talk has emerged to be the mantra of India’s policy. It has paved the way for public diplomacy which not only attracts FDI but also proves that it is not self-centred, though self reliant and modest yet effective. The result is before us- membership of the MTCR and probably NSG too. The time is right to press forward for a permanent membership of the UNSC too. 

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