Monday, 27 June 2016

Management with a human touch is the necessity of 21st century, isn't it? and there is a notable paucity of this vital necessity in every sphere
The feeling of Love, Caring, Sharing and mutual respect are necessary ingredients of a successful human relationship. It doesn't matter whether you are working in the corporate sector, educational institutions,  political field, medical profession or anywhere else, human touch is the key to successful management. In fact terrorism, the evil plaguing the whole world, is a repercussion of the deteriorating human relations and lack of human touch. Humanity is being butchered, in the name of religion only due to this lack of human touch.
A successful corporate sector is not the one which can give a short term high growth rate at the cost of man but the one that gives its employee a human touch. Similarly student-teacher relation is bound to fail miserably, unless there is human touch among them . Our defence minister Mohan Parrikar gave an excellent example of this when he went to meet his teacher in the latter's house. Political parties cannot be successful unless they give a human touch to its workers. The decline of Congress and Left parties can be attributed to the fact that they have failed to give a human touch to its grass -root level workers  and its the failure to give a human touch to its grass-root level workers. When the PMO, responding to Vaishali's request, provided her with financial and medical assistance it was just another example of providing the human touch. Doctors need to give a human touch to the patients and that can cure even faster than medicines. In our day to day life when we need help from our helpers, we need to provide them too with a human touch. Foreign and diplomatic relation can only be maintained through human touch. Pakistan and China have continuously undermined the value of human touch in maintaining relations and are now isolated on global platform.
 Having a professional attitude is not bad but when we lack human touch in any profession or in our life's management it does not augur well for us and the society too.

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